I have several pictures to share today and one that I think is really interesting. All of these photos are Real People Post Cards or RPPC's. It was a great, inexpensive way to send photos to family that lived far away. Just stick a stamp on the back and mail it out.

This first one is Dale and Helen Dexter. Little Helen does not look very happy. I bet she has a set of lungs on her when she does not get her way!

This fella looks so proud in his bow tie and best suit:)

And this cutie has the sweetest face! I have used her a lot in my work.

I know this last one is not very clear, but I find it really fascinating. The boy is in his room and on the wall is the equivalent of modern day posters. He has cabinet cards, RPPC's, calling cards and greeting cards. It's cool to know that even in the early 1900's teenagers were still teenagers:)
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