Thursday, May 31, 2007
Ledger Love...Or, What We Did Before Computers....
Wednesday, May 30, 2007
That Ole' Black Magic.....

I love all the cool cut outs in the aluminum case. They remind me of Michelle Ward's art. The blue tubing (which I thought was just some new way to pimp out your machine) is actually liquid coolant that keeps the processors and video cards from overheating. LIQUID COOLANT!!! HOW COOL IS THAT? Totally! I am probably one of the most inept computer geeks of all time. Right, Lori?!? LOL!! So sorry for posting about this but, I think it's neat and thanks for indulging me. I may not have access to the blog until we get everything transferred and whatnot. In the mean time, I feel some art waiting under the surface ready to come out:)
I just thought of something! NO WONDER he didn't blink an eye at my little pile of books at the bookstore! I may just have to go back:)
Tuesday, May 29, 2007
Free Image Tuesday...Sweet Husband...
- The bottom open book is a book of 2500 royalty free images called, "Scan This Book Two" by John Mendenhall. You may use them anyway you wish, even altering them in Photoshop and calling them your own. Can't beat that!
- Then I got the newest Somerset Memories June/July issue which features another fabulous article by Linda Harre highlighting her grandson Chase's baby book. She was also in the April/May issue, which featured Chase's twin brother Hunter and his baby book. She is so very talented. Please run over and feast your eyes on her blog, Studio Stuff. It's one of my favorites!
- The Bird and Nest stamps from Cavallini Papers & Co.,Inc. are something I have wanted FOREVER and I just grabbed them and ran! (yes, we payed for them:)
- and the last book is called, "The Little Big Book of Birds" from Welcome Books. It has the most wonderful bird facts and tips for watchers. But, the reason I bought it is it has fabulous vintage images of birds on almost every page. And there are 351 pages. Sweet!
BUT, the best part is that my sweet man (who had herded the boys through the store so I could look alone) did not even blink an eye when he saw my pile of goodies. Thank you sweetie!

Sunday, May 27, 2007
Happy Memorial Day Weekend and Cupcake Swap.....
Thursday, May 24, 2007
Hey All You Fabulous Ladies!!!!!....

Well, I AM talking to all of YOU fabulous ladies. This wonderful artist Gina at Joyful Purpose is going to teach an art journaling class this summer for the Free Arts for Abused Children program. She asked for some help and if you have anything that's on her wish list please consider sending it to help enrich the lives of these girls. It's a great cause! Here is a copy of the list: ( There is no mailing address yet, but I am sure she will update it:)
My wish list for the girls ...
We need the following new or gently used items (all items are tax deductible donations through Free Arts)
rubber stamps
ink pads
caran d'ache neo color II crayons
water color paint
letter stamps
hole punches
punches any shape
rub ons
(please, only items that you would use yourself not things you would throw away :) )
If you can donate any thing from the list please let me know -
I personally am getting together a great big box and I think my husband will want to kiss Gina for motivating me to do it:) Thank you all for your wonderful and uplifting words yesterday. I am amazed daily at the support and community I feel here. Love you guys!
Wednesday, May 23, 2007
I Forgot Free Image Tuesday!!!.....
Tuesday, May 22, 2007
I feel...
We had to go to his house in Baton Rouge to prepare for his move back to Houston with my Mother-in-law. They are not divorced, but he has worked out of state for the past 12 years. She has been getting ready to consolidate the two households and we needed to pack his house. His overall physical health is terrible (congestive heart failure, fluid around lungs and heart) and he is unable to even walk across the room without being so winded he can't speak.
Part of the mission for the weekend was to get rid of the things that they did not have room for in Houston. He has saved every car magazine he has ever owned since, well forever and there were boxes and boxes and boxes. He thought my husband would want them. But there were so many of them it's just not practical to keep them. They were so heavy we ended up buying a dolly to help cart them out of the house. He has been told we were coming to get the Baton Rouge house ready for weeks, but a few hours before we picked them up in Houston he asked my Mother-in-law why we were coming and if it was to help them decide where the furniture would go upstairs in the Houston house. Needless to say, once in Baton Rouge when he saw his things leaving the house he was not happy. But, I believe he simply felt so bad he had no fight left to fight.
I know they were just magazines, but they were important to him and now I feel terrible and sad. We saved all his model trains and his framed vintage car ads. We saved his hard back books and movie posters. His Fred Astaire posters and his Clark Gable posters. He even had an original "Gone with the Wind" movie poster. We were careful and went through every box. Why do I feel so callous and heartless? The whole situation makes me feel sad for everyone involved. My Mother-in-law is wonderful and handling things very well. We have a hard road ahead with this situation. I'm sorry to write about this, but it does make me feel better. Your sweet comments and support make me feel so blessed also. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. Love, Jamie
Thursday, May 17, 2007
Tag Swap and I'm Still Alive...

Tuesday, May 15, 2007
Late Free Image Tuesday.....

Sunday, May 13, 2007
Happy Mother's Day!...

This photo is the spring board for the art piece I made for my mother. I hope she likes it:) Happy Mother's day to all of you!
Friday, May 11, 2007
Happy Teacher Appreciation Week....

Tuesday, May 8, 2007
Free Image Tuesday, Commission Piece, Wild Kingdom and Thrift Finds....

Saturday, May 5, 2007
New Art and Tagged....
This is how I feel lately! I have good intentions, but the procrastination just washes over me. I even procrastinated being tagged! How sad is that?! So here it goes:)
Lori tagged me to list my 5 favorite sites in Blogland.
1. My good friend Cheryl over at Stash Studios. She is smart, savvy and a constant source of support and eye candy! She is a magician with fabric and bends it to her will. She also has a studio that I would give my right arm for:)
2. Miss Lori herself at Faerie Window. Her talent with paper mache is outstanding and her attention to detail gives everything she does superior quality. Her generousity and kindness shine.
3. Misty Mawn is an artist whose work never fails to move me. Her paintings are some of the most original and inspired pieces I have ever seen. She gives of herself in her art and also within the art community through her classes and the sharing of her knowledge.
4. Kelli Perkins at Ephemeral Alchemy. She is a artist with many talents and her style and personality are one of a kind. Her fiber art and assemblage pieces are my favorite. I have a new assemblage piece from her and I keep moving it to different places in the house to figure out where I can always see it:)
5. I can't stop at five and I want to include everyone on by sidebar. You can look and see I have many, so I decided to introduce you to some sites you may have never visited before. These folks give me great inspiration and I love to see what they have cooking in the studio.
Wednesday, May 2, 2007
Contact Paper Transparency Tutorial....
Supplies Needed:
- laser or toner print of image
- clear contact paper
- scissors
- spoon (or if you are fancy a bone folder:)
- bowl with warm water
Step 2 Cut out your image and cut a piece of transparent contact paper that is slightly bigger.
Step 4 Place image in a bowl of warm water until the paper is saturated. I leave it until the white paper turns grey.
Tuesday, May 1, 2007
Free Image Tuesday...Happy May Day!!!....Artwords Entry #51....