But, only AFTER having my husband remove the ram, the hard drive, the extra memory, the optical card, the ram again, the keyboard (THE KEYBOARD! ack!), once again the ram, the battery and the hard drive again. Luckily, he builds computers and knows what he is doing, but what if it had been me? Or Lori? LOL!! We would have been in big trouble!
Two hours later, he went for a break and left ME on hold with the support person who then received an ear full from one frustrated wife who had been patiently acting as surgical nurse during this operation and Presto!--- I got a totally new computer. I only wish I had blown my cool earlier in the conversation. Hormones CAN work in your favor ladies! LOL!
I have had some people email me about selling the free image photos on Etsy. I make it a point not to because I don't want someone buying an original photo and then seeing copies of it some place else in someone else's art piece. These photos are my personal collection and I want to share them. I was thinking of maybe having them printed into collage sheets down the line. Anyway, I just wanted to address the question:)
Thanks so much for all your well wishes! I am feeling good, having some reflux trouble (yuck), but they say it is temporary. Also I want to show my appreciation to you all by sending you a treat so leave me your snail mail address at arteology@hotmail.com and I will ship the treats next week. This means you too lurkers:) Come on and don't be shy:) They are wonderful treats that start with an L and end with an R. Can you guess? And no, it's NOT liqour! Bad girls! LOL!!! Love, Jamie
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